50 Years
Established Business

Sydney Wide Delivery

Best Quality

Competitive Prices

Building & Landscaping Products

Proudly Partnered with Boral


Builders Clay, Concrete Mix, General Mix, Lime – Plasterers and much more.

Sand & Soil

Sand and Aggregates supplies from small to large bulk orders & wide variety.

Decorative Pebble Stones

Decorative pebble stones offer a great addition to your indoor and outdoor settings.

Gravel & Road Base

Building & Landscaping Gravels including Metal Dust & Road Base.


Pebblecrete is one of the most common surfaces used to coat concrete pools.

Garden Mulch & Wood Chip

Mulch & Wood Chips provide a thick protective layer over your plants.


Mixed Common Bricks & Extruded Bricks for Sydney Bricklayers, Landscapers & Builders

Reinforcing & Trench Mench

Reinforcement or REO mesh and bars. Available for purchase in bulk and Delivery across Sydney.

Building & Hardware Materials

Foamjoint, Galvanised Steel Ties, Dampcourse and much more.

About Us

Established in Guildford for over 50 Years.
Sundown Building Supplies is a leading supplier of Building and Landscape Materials in Sydney.
We supply premium building supplies for large construction & infrastructure projects, developers, tradies and small DIY projects at competitive prices.
Sand, Aggregrates, Cement & Concrete Mixes, Decorative Pebble Stones and Pebblecrete – Pickup or Sydney Wide Delivery are available 6 days a week.


Proud suppliers of Boral Cement’s Blue Circle packaged products.

Proudly Partnered with Boral - Sundown Building Supplies Pty Ltd.